Thursday, January 31, 2013

An Unexpected Date Night

Dude.  So last night was pretty unexpectedly awesome.  The BF and I go out a lot, but mostly it is to see our friends perform in bands or to their art shows.  Rarely do we go out on a "date".  If you're asking what the difference - as he often does - the point of a date is US and spending time together vs. supporting our friends.  Last night was technically a bit of both, but I take what I can get.

We already had plans to see our friend Donato play in his band, Give Me Your Hands, at the Silverlake Lounge.  Out of the blue I decided to forego my typical jeans, boots and beanie ensemble and throw on a dress.  With all that primping I totally forgot to make supper for us so when the BF asked if we should just grab something on the way, I jumped at the chance to turn it into a date night.

We very, very rarely eat out.  When we do it is typically grabbing something like a sandwhich real fast en route to somewhere.  But sit down? Tablecloth? Metal utensils? I can probably count on one hand the number of times we've done that in our five years.  As much as I love to cook, and to cook for the BF, I effing love the eff out of food.  Love it.  So I love restaurants.  Also, I love not having to cook and clean it up afterwards.  I think the dim light and sitting side-by-side is all sweetie-pea mushiness, too.

So when he followed up the first question with "wanna run by Subway?" I waaaay too loudly replied with an emphatic "NO!" and we instead found a surprisingly cute and romantical place disguised as a hole in the wall down the street from where our friend was playing. If you're in LA, check out El Conquistador on Sunset and sit on the enclosed patio.  Bonus: you can see people run into the tricky door after having too many tequilas at the bar!  We started counting and got to six nose-smashes :-)

However, I totally lost my favorite ring (well second favorite if we include my beautiful engagement ring) at the restaurant.  I took off the chunky black onyx ring to wash my hands and accidentally left it by the sink.  I didn't realize until we were at the Silverlake Lounge later then ran down the street and crazily tore through all of our coats (I think I must have looked a little looney...or like a thief) until I remembered having taken if off.  Sadly, it is gone.  I even called the restaurant twice today to see if anyone had turned it in, but nope.  Finders keepers I guess :-(  Ahhh the prices we pay for dates.

1 comment:

  1. ah man! that sucks. sorry to ruin your sweetie pea mushiness romantical dinner out by losing your second to favorite ring....drat!
